MEDIA / H-Story

Conducting Training on Compliance with Internal Regulations for Employees to Practice Ethical Management

– Customized guidance for head office/branch employees based on plenty of case studies … active participation of employees matters –


From the 13th (Thursday) to the 14th (Friday), Hyundai Corporation Group conducted an in-house regulation compliance training to promoting organization alignment and boost employee work efficiency as part of ethical management practice.

For overseas corporation/branch heads and expatriates, the company conducted training using the video conferencing system considering the time differences with different subsidiaries/branches on the 13th, the first day. On the next day, the 14th, the company conducted training for executives, team leaders, and employees sequentially in the conference room on the 16th floor of the headquarters.

This two-day training focused on understanding the ‘delegation of authority, work process, and major company rules related to work’. Starting with the Basic Regulations, which are key regulations that employees need to know, ethical management, employee code of conduct, employment rules, delegation of authority, seal management, and overseas corporation/branch management regulations were explained. Parts that may be somewhat difficult or ambiguous were explained through various real cases to help understanding. In addition, the training was conducted separately for people charged with duties, overseas subsidiaries/branches, and employees, so that the training was appropriate for the position of each responsibility and authority. The training provided intensive explanation with necessary details, and there was also a question-and-answer session.

The Audit Office, which conducted the training, said, “If the first training focused on ‘formation of consciousness for each position’ for correct compliance and increased compliance, this session emphasized the will to practice compliance based on various cases encountered in real life.” The Office of Audit added, “Until now, the training was limited to one-off session for each specific issue and situation. From this year, we will collaborate with the human resources development team, and the training course will be repeated, divided into several stages from basic to advanced. Therefore, we look forward to voluntary and active participation of all employees.”